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Use your roof to generate healthier cash flow

Solar Power Revolution

What You Gain

Reticent producer of energy
Sustainable and renewable energy
Towards lower carbon emission
Maximum efficiency but little maintenance required


Keep return once invests 
Good enterprise image

Cloud Management

Click to know more


Solar panel technology is always steady go ahead.

In order to ingratiate the cost-effective that we would tailor design the plan of increasing the efficiency and lowering the cost of production for our client.

It is time to use your roof to attend solar power revolution under the energetic sunshine in Hong Kong!

Technology advancement

The PV solar has increasingly become the most cost-effective long-term investment. Like any equipment, solar power system needs to be well managed to maintain the optimal electricity production efficiency. Therefore, we provide Pixel View, a data-driven, Web-based intelligent PV monitoring software system, which can transform the PV O&M (Operation & Maintenance) from a manual, complicated procedure into a simple, scalable, and effortless enjoyment to ensure the best solar yield at all times.

Prevent the Damage of Shading Effect

A partially shaded solar module by dust, snow, leaves, adjacent building shadow or even bird dropping may result in significant decline in power generation down to 25%. Pixel View is a user-defined platform for monitoring power generation status in real-time and to further prevent permanent damages, such as hot spot, and cell-crack.

High Compatibility, String-Level Monitoring

Pixel View is compatible with all brands of inverters and solar modules that can efficiently analyze both AC and DC generation. The administrator can easily monitor solar productivity, inverter status, conversion rate, PR value, efficiency, and convergence process at a fingertip away.

Embrace Our Prosperous Solar Future

The traditional solar monitoring system can only indicate the underperformance of solar system. The central console needs to send the professional technicians on site and inspect solar modules individually, which is time-consuming and costly. By utilizing Billion Watts solar monitoring system, the administrator can identify the particular solar module series that can dramatically decrease the cost of maintenance & Operation personnel.

Automatic System ROI Forecast and Calculation

Pixel View automatically defines the up-to-date performance and electricity tariff information for various locations and currencies to support power plant owners, project developers, utility companies, and independent power producers (IPP) to calculate their expected PV revenues and system ROI.

Transform to higher values

Working with us to achieve the best performance

Are you looking for investors to occupy free open space to build solar power PV plants and enjoy maximum cash rebate from a rent-a-roof program? 

Want to have a professional engineering team to optimally construct your free open space and earn guaranteed 20 years Feed-in-Tariff? 

Do you own a solar PV plant and collaborate with manufacturers to sell the electricity?

We welcome you to contact us today for more information!

Typical Hong Kong House Case

- Area 700 square ft.

- Solar PV installed 12 pieces

- System capacity 3 kW

- Predicted year generate 3,000 kWh

- Feed-in tariff HK5 (<10kW)

- Year generate benefit HK15,000

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