Grow Your Blog Community
With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog...

Smart lamp by Arduino
Arduino connect with sensors and lamp could become an automatic control smart lamp. Many teachers would are interested in the demo and...

Big data by Raspberry Pi
To implement smart building, energy consumption is important, how to work our data collection point at different location. Raspberry Pi...

Programming by mblock
Start with mblock to code Arduino hardware, it simply use drag and drop, to whatever loop, variable statement, input and output, you...

Servo motor to make an electronic lock
Servo motor could program it to rotate to a design specific angle, STEM activity could use servo motor to make an electronic lock, its...


Maker's fun : a home made speaker
We learn from high school that when electric current pass a metal wire, it generates magnetic field. Electromagnetic theory can make a...

自2017年7月在香港教育大學,連續講了十天的Arduino智能燈工作坊之後,十天足足來了共超過四百人,發覺 Arduino Maker合併智能家居會十分有趣,就有寫這本書的想法。本書會以智能家居為主線,介紹出它更可使大家更深入地參與,而且本書向著一個方向是非技術背景的人,...

澳門Dr. PC Family智能家居活動
澳門Dr. PC Family智能家居活動,當日有六十多位老師和主任到場, 在講座開始之前,老師和主任先參觀一個Maker如何動手做。 #event

Use Node-RED to collect data
We solved a data collection path problem for a customer today. By using a SG6200 Zigbee router linked with power meter (3 phase), it...